A large sum of money found on the ground returned

A large sum of money found on the ground returned to its owners

A Michigan woman was praised by local law enforcement after she returned a bag full of cash she found on the ground on her way to work.

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Diane Gordon, who works at a supermarket in White Lake Township, found about $15,000 in cash in a plastic bag near a supermarket one evening on her way home. Ever since her car broke down a year ago, she has been walking all her travels.

When she spotted the bag in question, she thought of only one thing.

“This bag doesn’t belong to me and I need to call a cop,” Diane said in an interview with Fox 2 Detroit.

Police investigations were able to locate the bag’s owners, two newlyweds from the region. Also in the bag were gifts and cards that were theirs, and everything was handed over to them personally.

Although she could have chosen to keep the money, Ms. Gordon knew reporting her find was the right thing to do. In fact, as police officials have suggested, buying a car would have been very beneficial to them in the long run.

“It never really crossed his mind to keep that money,” Lt. Matthew Ivory from the local police.

For Mrs. Gordon, living without a car means missing out on some important events. For this reason, a GoFundMe was initiated by the wife of one of the police officers to help him obtain a vehicle.

“Because we need more Diane in our world,” concluded Mr. Ivory.