A Life Spanish Anticipations David and Valeria are leaving

A Life Spanish Anticipations: David and Valeria are leaving!

A Life Spanish Anticipations: David and Valeria are leaving!

The Spanish anticipation of Una Vita, the daily soap opera aired on Canale 5, reveals that David and Valeria can finally be together! But they will go away from acacias …

With today’s Spanish expectations of lifeof the soap opera broadcast daily by Mediaset, we discover that two characters are about to completely change their lives, go very far in America. It’s about… Valeria and David! But let’s see together what are the previews of the episodes that will air soon Channel 5 at 2:10 p.m.

Also Read: A Life Spanish Advances: Does David Kiss Valeria?

A Life Spanish Advances: Valeria with Rodrigo?

What a story by Valeria and David. By now probably the audience of one life didn’t think there could be a common ending for the two: After Rodrigo, the girl’s husband, reappeared, everything she felt about the Exposito was buried. After all, the young man risked everything to save her, even going so far as to confess the formula of the nerve agent to Aurelio who discovered it… Valeria felt obliged to him and so he wanted to give his marriage a second chance.

Rodrigo confides in Valeria David in the Spanish anticipation

Rodrigo had discovered that Valeria was not happy. The truth is his wife had now fallen in love with another man, no matter how much she had resisted the passion and her feelings. In the end, however, “the heart is not commanded”. That’s why Rodrigo made a difficult decision: let it go, free Instead of having her around and being unhappy, the boy chose to move her in with Davidbut full of joy. So Rodrigo had spoken privately to the Exposito and entrusted his wife to him.

This might interest you: Una Vita Anticipazioni Episode September 29, 2022: Valeria chases David!

A Life of Spanish Advances: Valeria and David move to the United States

Thereafter David risked being killed by Fidel and Ramon after being kidnapped by Aureliowhich had the Palacios blackmailed Thanks to compromising information, it now appeared so the exposition was counting the hours. Davidhowever, he can save himself and can do it now organize his future with the woman he loves. the couple, decides to leave Acacias: too many bad memories, too much pain. Their destination of choice is America… When will they leave?