A magnitude 63 earthquake was recorded south of Chile39s eastern

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake was recorded south of Chile's eastern Pacific, according to the USGS

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake was recorded at 11:20 p.m. 896 km south of the town of Anga-Roa on Easter Island, Chile. Today's tremor,According to the information, February 22, 2024 occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers in the Pacific Ocean United States Geological Survey (USGS)about X

SHOA rejects tsunami warning in Chile

Through his social network accountChilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOA)announced that the possibility of a tsunami following the 6.3 magnitude earthquake recorded nearby has been ruled out Rapa Nui – Easter Island.

“SHOA indicates that the characteristics of the earthquake do NOT meet the necessary conditions to trigger a tsunami on the coasts of Chile,” they noted.

A magnitude 63 earthquake was recorded south of Chile39s easternThe earthquake occurred near Easter Island. Photo: USGS

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How strong was today's earthquake in Chile?

The earthquake recorded in Chile today, Thursday, February 22, had a magnitude of 6.3, according to the USGS. No aftershocks have been recorded so far.

Why are there so many earthquakes in Chile?

TheEarthquake in ChileThey are primarily caused by the interaction of tectonic plates in the region.chiliIt lies in a geologically active region, at the intersection of two important tectonic plates: theNazca plateand thatSouth American plate.

TheNazca plateIt is subducted beneath the Sudamericana. This means it is moving towards the Earth's mantle.

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Can earthquakes be predicted?

According to the National Seismological Service of Mexico, there is currently no technique to predict earthquakes. “Not even countries like the United States and Japan, whose technology is very advanced, have been able to develop a shock prediction technique. Since we live in a country with great seismic activity, the only certainty we have is that it is constantly shaking that we must be prepared. In the event of a seismic event, only prevention can help us.”

What to do in an earthquake?

  • Stay calm and stay in an earthquake-protected area.
  • Protect and support yourself under or next to a solid object.
  • If you are attending a mass event, remain calm and remain in your seat. Protect your head and neck with your arms and follow the instructions of security personnel.
  • If you are in a wheelchair, try to get to a safe place. If this is not possible, hold her and cover her head and neck with your arms.
  • When on the road, stay away from buildings, poles and power lines.
  • When driving in the city, slow down and stop in a safe place. If you are on a highway, slow down and do not stop. Monitor the traffic situation, signal the next exit or pull over the shoulder on country roads.