1705657944 A man dies and two women are injured in a

A man dies and two women are injured in a house fire in Valencia

A woman watches from her balcony upstairs at number 51 Salamanca Street in Valencia, where a fire broke out this morning, leaving a man dead and two women injured.A woman watches from her balcony on the upper floor at number 51 Salamanca Street in Valencia, where a fire broke out this morning, leaving a man dead and two women injured. Ana Escobar (EFE)

According to the police and the Information and Coordination Center of Valencia, a man died while two women were injured and taken to hospital in the fire that occurred this morning on Friday in a house in the center of the city of Valencia ( CICU). The causes of the fire are currently unknown.

One of the surviving women is 92 years old and the owner of the house. The young woman who cared for her, aged around 30, is the other person injured in the incident, while the deceased, aged around 40, is said to be her partner, according to police.

The intensive care unit was alerted at 3:30 a.m. this Friday to the fire on the fifth floor of a house at 51 Salamanca Street, where two SAMU units, a Basic Life Support unit and a conventional ambulance were moved.

When medical services arrived, a man and a woman were in cardiac arrest, on whom SAMU medical teams performed advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other advanced life support techniques.

The man did not respond to resuscitation and medical services confirmed his death while the woman's vital functions were restored. After she stabilized, she was evacuated due to cardiac arrest and transported to La Fe Hospital by one of the SAMU ambulances. The age of these two people is unknown.

On the other hand, a 92-year-old woman was treated for smoke inhalation and transported to Doctor Peset Hospital by conventional ambulance.

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Apparently the Latino couple was most affected by the smoke as they left the house and tried to escape the flames of the fire.

Six firefighters worked to extinguish the fire, according to sources at the Generalitat emergency center, and local police agents also intervened.