In the city of Karmei Yosef (Israel), a 32-year-old man was found dead at the bottom of a 13-meter-deep hole that had opened under the bottom of a swimming pool.
A terrible spectacle. Klil Kimhi, a 32-year-old man, was trapped in a hole in the ground formed in an underground pool at a villa in Karmei Yosef parish, Israel. About fifty people took part in this spectacle, which took place during a company party. Klil Kimhi was sucked 13 meters deep and he couldn’t resist the sucking phenomenon. Rescue teams worked tirelessly for more than four hours before they were able to pull him out and pronounced him dead.
A second injured man
Klil Kimhi’s body was found during a complex operation that required the assistance of cameras attached to the rescuers’ helmets, according to the Times of Israel media. Fire and rescue services said the search was complicated by fears tunnels extending from the sinkhole could cause a secondary collapse.
A second man was almost swept away but managed to get out. After he was picked up by paramedics, paramedics said he sustained minor injuries to his lower body. A man and his wife, both in their 60s, are suspected of causing his death through negligence, law enforcement officials said. Because of the poor infrastructure, they did not have planning permission for the swimming pool where the tragedy took place.
Speaking to news site Ynet, one of the people who attended the pool party said there were six people in the pool at the time: “Seconds later the floor collapsed… I saw two people disappear,” she added.