A man gets out of his car to catch a

A man gets out of his car to catch a fish on a flooded highway

In the city of Watsonville, California, USA, a man surprised everyone watching him. During a flood on a highway, the driver got out of his car to use his bare hands to catch a large fish he saw in the middle of the road. When he caught it, he showed the carp to the people.

According to authorities, the fish had escaped from a lake near the highway that had overflowed due to heavy rains. Find out more about the unusual flood fishing below!

Driver gets out of his car at high tide to catch fish

The man surprised everyone passing by and saw the moment he got out of his car to catch the fish. Danielle Garcia, a woman, said in an interview with CBS’ John Carlos Estrada, “Oh, he’s having dinner tonight! He (the fish) swam down the street.”

flood fishing.Photo: Google.

The fish had already been seen by other drivers

According to Danielle, in an interview for Fox, several drivers who saw the fish in the tide decided to stop on the road lest the animal would be run over.

However, she and the other drivers were surprised when the man decided to get out of his car to catch the fish, which he took to be some kind of prize.

Is Carp Safe to Eat?

Nowadays, eating carp meat may not be very interesting, since the fish has multiple bones. In addition, its flesh can be rich in geosmin oil, which is found in bluegreen algae (fish food) and has an unpleasant taste that puts many people off.

The carp in the video in question was golden, a rare species known to reach heavier weights than others, which attracts fishermen. In general, the taste of the meat of this fish depends on its origin, species and diet.