Gasoline prices an analysis requested by the Energy Agency

A new automated distribution center opens in Varennes

After an investment of more than 240 million US dollars, new plants for the automated distribution of fresh and frozen foods were inaugurated on Thursday in Varennes, Montérégie.

The automated distribution center, which benefited from a $33.4 million loan from Quebec for its construction, is operated by Groupe Robert, which specializes in goods distribution and warehousing services.

“The establishment of this state-of-the-art center consolidates Quebec’s supply chain by ensuring the delivery of fresh products throughout our territory,” emphasized the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, who was present at the inauguration.

The Robert Group also received a $15 million investment for this building, which is made of thick insulated panels to meet new sustainable development practices.

“The benefits of our new refrigerated distribution center extend far beyond the walls of this facility. It strengthens the food supply chain across Quebec and beyond, ensuring more efficient and reliable distribution for our current and future customers,” said Michel Robert, President and CEO of Groupe Robert.