1699892910 A QS employee publishes a long response to Catherine Dorions

A QS employee publishes a long response to Catherine Dorion’s book

During her adventure in politics, which was marked by absenteeism, Catherine Dorion lost the respect of her close associates, replies her former communications manager, who did not at all appreciate the book by the former deputy of Taschenreau that had just arrived in bookstores.

• Also read: The post-traumatic shock of former MP Catherine Dorion

• Also read: Catherine Dorion, victim of the media?

“I leave reading with great sadness. I don’t want to write this to settle scores,” Louis-Philippe Boulianne states right at the beginning: in a long post on social networks.

The current digital attaché at Québec Solidaire worked closely with Catherine Dorion, first to help her get elected by coordinating communications for her campaign in 2018, then before her first-ever political attaché.

The former Solidarity MP for Taschenreau, Catherine Dorion.

Louis-Philippe Boulianne (right) during the 2022 election campaign in Montreal with Quebec Solidaire co-spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. PHOTO Marc-André Gagnon

“After five years, I am finally ready to say it: Catherine did not lead our movement. On the contrary, she leaned on the shoulders of our party to rise further,” he concludes, admitting to being bitterly disappointed.

In defense of GND

In her book, Catherine Dorion particularly targets Québec Solidaire co-spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, whom she accuses of control and centralization. Note that the latter will have to undergo a vote of confidence at the congress of his party members in less than two weeks. He has not yet responded to Ms. Dorion’s book.

Louis-Philippe Boulianne says that when he started at QS he was “not a big fan of Gabriel”, but his relationship with the person who will succeed Manon Massé as parliamentary leader in 2021 quickly developed positively.

“While my respect for Gabriel grew, my respect for Catherine followed the opposite trend as she sought refuge first in presenteeism and ultimately simply in absence. It is the real and disappointing truth,” says his former political attaché.

pour oil on the flame

According to him, the member for Taschenreau was not interested in activist work or parliamentary work at that time.

He recounts, among other things, how, like “Gabriel and Manon,” he had to intervene to curb one of his “artistic impulses,” namely “a video project whose scenario was to see her destroy a mannequin depicting Justin Trudeau shoveling represented.” “.

“The frustration and anger towards Catherine didn’t just come from the top of the pyramid, as she claims,” he asserts. I would even say that a large majority of employees, regardless of role and position, were frankly fed up.”

Another ex-party employee is no more affectionate. “His technique always seems to be the same: add fuel to the fire and surprise/apologize/complain that it’s getting hot,” wrote Francis Boucher, a former communications adviser for Québec Solidaire, in a comment on another Facebook post.

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