1709467610 A scandalous new year

A scandalous new year

A scandalous new year

The first trace of black clover dates back about 70 years. Can you find the necessary elements to decipher the symbols at the end of the letter?

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Happy New Year, from Black Clover

The new year 1956 brings with it great revelations. Things happen in your city that affect your life. How can we not mention a certain Mr. F. who plays like a sneaky fox in H's woods when night falls? Secret agreements, lies, Mr. A's hidden files, X-ray photos… Be attentive in the coming weeks, my revelations will be revealed to the most curious. You will also learn more about C. Corporations, the base of this conspiracy's pyramid. Many of them sit quietly in their chairs, but soon a whiff of justice will blow.

Happy New Year, dear readers, and see you soon.

A scandalous new year

1709467602 136 A scandalous new year

The Black Clover Affair

Who wants to do it well

You will not make a mistake if you choose an elegant navy dress with the little white boater that you must attend your wedding in mid-April. And usually you can wear your muskrat jacket, at least when you go to church. However, you have to avoid shoe covers unless it rains that day. If you don't have a navy dress, choose a printed silk or shantung dress that fashion recommends this season.

When you arrive at the reception area, take turns shaking hands with those forming the line of honor.

Andre Levesque.

Happy Grandma and Grandpa Day

I wish you a holiday full of good cheer and happiness! Happy Birthday!

Colette and Paul.

Place your mouse on the clue you want to see.