A secret application reserved for the worlds greatest fortunes

A secret application reserved for the world’s greatest fortunes

Did you know there is a top secret app that only the richest people in the world can access?

The platform, dubbed Myria, was launched in recent months and is gradually becoming a must-have tool for the global business elite, reveals the New York Post.

The application currently has almost 100 users. About 500 others are on the waiting list to become subscribers. The Myria creator hopes to reach 1000 members by the end of 2024.

First, access is by invitation only, after a thorough review of your profile and a payment of over CAD$40,000. Next up is an asset check and an interview.

“Everyone on Myria is very important and very successful. The average income of our members is around $800 million,” claims the application’s creator, Rey Flemings.

Not only appreciated by influential CEOs, Myria is also used by stars, athletes and royalty.

Rey Flemings/Myria via the New York Post

The app’s primary purpose is to connect high net worth members with product or service providers that don’t do business with the general public.

In particular, Myria can serve as an alternative to Airbnb by allowing the rental of a huge villa in Italy that is not available on any other platform.

Members can also secure a front row seat at sporting events, galas or shows.

The Myria creator says he’s already managed to find ninth-row seats for the Oscars for a wealthy client in less than 24 hours. After all, he was sitting next to none other than Jeff Bezos.

Recently, a user made a last-minute decision to visit Machu Picchu and used the app to find luxury accommodation. Another was looking for a surf instructor and security guard for a trip to Costa Rica.

Myria members can write directly to the recruitment team to find the property or service they want.

Rey Flemings/Myria via the New York Post

The application also allows its users to connect with each other.

“They can invite each other to all sorts of things, like, ‘I’m having a big dinner party on September 6th,’ or ‘I have extra seats on my plane for a flight from New York to Los Angeles, anyone would like.’ Are you coming to us?” remarks Rey Flemings.

The latter, who has been in the music industry for a long time, has built a solid roster of stars. Today he uses his contacts to connect the greatest fortunes with celebrities from the world of art, gastronomy or fashion.

Myria members not only want to come into contact with stars or models, but are often also interested in special experiences and not in luxury items.

App users often have little interest in fancy cars or overpriced watches because their possessions are so plentiful that they no longer make sense to them.

Rey Flemings/Myria via the New York Post

“When you can afford everything there is, things become pointless. Then people start looking for meaning not in objects but in experiences,” says Flemings.

While an ordinary person will buy a printed version of a work, a wealthy person will want to buy the original. The Myria member, on the other hand, will instead seek a lesson on a private island offered by the artist who painted the canvas.