A show about giant rabbits and migratory beetles in Comando

A show about giant rabbits and migratory beetles in Comando Actualidad and four other things to see on TV today

The world is going crazy and today Commando has set out to teach it. On Saturday’s program is the question of how drought, heat waves and rain are transforming Spain into a “tropical climate” with increasingly dangerous pests. But at the same time, Canal Hollywood is airing “Noa’s Diary,” so you have a choice to see how the world is or weep with romantic drama about an old woman with Alzheimer’s who is reminded of her first and great love.

The plagues come to command today

1, 11.35

A frame from the Comando Actualidad program on epidemics.A frame from the Comando Actualidad program on epidemics.

Huge rabbits the size of a cat eating pistachios and grapes have left 300 towns in Castile-La Mancha in hunting distress. Bed bugs, which travel from country to country and repopulate hotel beds and tourist apartments, are hunted with dogs. And mosquito bites that bring their victims into health emergencies. Comando Actualidad analyzes how drought, heat waves and torrential rains have increased the number and virulence of pests in Spain.

‘Polar Express’

Hollywood Channel, 2:19 p.m

A still from Robert Zemeckis' Polar ExpressA still from Robert Zemeckis’ Polar Express

United States, 2004 (96 minutes). Directed by Robert Zemeckis.

Years after Back to the Future and Who Tricked Roger Rabbit? Robert Zemeckis deepens his penchant for cinematographic fantasy worlds. The adventures of a group of children who travel by train to the North Pole to see Santa Claus are the perfect excuse to talk about tolerance and prejudice. Under the guise of illusion and friendship, this all-ages-recommended cartoon delves into economic inequality and racism, getting everyone in the spirit of Christmas, even if it’s 40 degrees in August.

How to save the inheritance and the earth in the weekly report

1, 9:30 p.m

A frame from the Weekly Report program on green hydrogen and cultural heritage.A frame from the Weekly Report program on green hydrogen and cultural heritage.

This Saturday the Informe Semanal will be published with two reports: Green Hydrogen: The Future is Here and Saving the Legacy. The program explains the keys to green hydrogen, a gas produced from renewable energy, and shows some of the 30 projects that are already using it. On the other hand, it travels to Castile and León, the Autonomous Community with the most assets at risk and the one that has managed to recover most of the cultural heritage, to show some initiatives of volunteers who save abandoned monuments from decay.

‘The house at the lake’

Movistar Drama, 10 p.m

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in The Lake House.Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in The Lake House.

The house at the lake. USA, 2006 (105 minutes). Directed by Alejandro Agresti. Cast: Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Dylan Walsh.

Set in the golden age of Sandra Bullock’s romantic comedies and not quite outside the fantasy to which Keanu Reeves is accustomed, the performance of both works is exquisite. Love, tenderness and even passion, distanced in time and space, with a final twist that plays with the viewer’s illusions and warns of the dangers of connecting past and present. And watch out for dog footprints.

“Thelma and Louise”

Movistar Classics, 10 p.m

Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis in Thelma & Louise.Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis in Thelma & Louise.

USA, 1991 (128 minutes). Director: Ridley Scott. Cast: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel.

Many not only made the premiere the genre of the film, but also made it a drama. They were not prepared to see the portrait of two women who decide to escape their oppressive macho environment. Exciting and tough, Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon do a great job of portraying these two confident women who rebel against men and the system.

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