A spied star tearfully laments the “violation” of his privacy

After a week’s hiatus, Pascal Desgagnés’ trial resumed outside the Quebec Courthouse.

The 48-year-old computer scientist is accused of spying on the mobile phones of several prominent personalities whose identities are protected by a publication ban.

A shock

On Monday, an artist shared her shock to learn that the contents of her phone containing risqué photos had been accessed.

We feel violated in our privacy, illustrates the personality of the artistic field. The woman explained that she wasn’t ashamed of having intimate pictures on her phone until she found out she’d been the victim of a computer hack.

A woman uses a phone in front of a laptop keyboard.

The computer specialist would have had access to the contents of the victims’ phones, including photos, videos, contacts, etc.

Photo: Getty Images / vorDa

She fears the pictures would be made public. It has the potential to cause great harm to many people. It’s a shame, an embarrassment. It’s not easy, she expressed.

emotional artist

As several photos paraded in front of her eyes, the artist suddenly became emotional, in front of a snapshot. It’s a photo of me and my daughter dropping crying woman.

It’s hard to imagine that his private life would spread out like this, she says. It’s terrible.

Like the other artists who testified before her, the woman had trouble logging into her Apple iCloud account. She needed to reset her password but had no idea she had been hacked.

Under cross-examination, she confirmed to Pascal Desgagnés that her photos and the contents of her phone had not been shared publicly.

Other testimonials

Other women identified the contents of their cellphones that may have ended up in Pascal Desgagnés’ computer equipment.

One businesswoman also expressed the fear she felt upon seeing her banking information compromised.

The trial of Pascal Desgagnés, who is defending himself without a lawyer, still has two weeks to go.