1689093748 A woman has been arrested in an operation against jihadism

A woman has been arrested in an operation against jihadism in a town in Valladolid

A woman has been arrested in an operation against jihadism

A woman was arrested this Tuesday in the municipality of Tudela de Duero (Valladolid, 8,636 inhabitants) as part of an anti-jihadist operation by the Guardia Civil. A large device under a summary non-disclosure order was stationed over the city early Tuesday as part of an ongoing anti-terrorist operation. Investigative sources confirm that the detainee had become radicalized in recent months after beginning a relationship with a Muslim man who, according to these sources, had taught her radical Islam.

The operation involved agents from the Guardia Civil Information Service and the Valladolid Command, who conducted several searches of houses in Tudela de Duero. The woman will appear before the National Court of Justice, which presided over the intervention, on Thursday. She is being charged with a suspected crime of terrorism for conducting a process of self-indoctrination via social media, legal sources have reported.

The operation started around 12:30 p.m., having arrived at 7:30 a.m. The woman’s house, on the third floor, is near one of the central squares of Tudela. A resident of the town confirms that when he tried to gain entry to his private home this morning they asked him for his ID and that the peephole at his home, like many others near the detainee’s street, went through the peephole had been covered by civil guards.

According to the city, the man arrested is the stepdaughter of a well-known local resident who arrived in Tudela de Duero about a year ago. The woman lived in an apartment at the central intersection of San Isidro, where a giant device was deployed early in the morning to carry out the arrest. Neighbors of Tudela say the woman, now arrested, recently converted to Islam because she began working with a Muslim man whose whereabouts are unknown. The local mayor, Óscar Rodríguez, told El Norte de Castilla that he was also unaware that this anti-jihadist operation would start this Tuesday and would be carried out discreetly by the Civil Guard and its elite GAR unit.

The operation in Valladolid is the second operation against the spread of jihadism carried out in the last month. On June 20, the Guardia Civil and the CNI arrested Oussama A., a 33-year-old unemployed Moroccan accused of spreading the jihadist ideology of the Islamic State (ISIS) from Lucena del Puerto (Huelva, 3,200 inhabitants). in English) via the internet and at the local mosque, the armed institute reported on Tuesday. The arrested man not only led the prayers in the oratories he attended, despite not being an official imam, but also had “created numerous accounts on social networks and participated in groups and channels”. [en internet]” through which he allegedly disseminated material produced by the terrorist organization’s propaganda machine.

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