A woman receives a vial of blood with her Amazon

A woman receives a vial of blood with her Amazon order

An American woman was surprised to find a vial of blood in the box of her new leather chair that she ordered from Amazon.

A woman receives a vial of blood with her Amazon order

“If I told you the leather chair I ordered from Amazon had a tube full of blood in it… would you believe me?” Jen Begakis, 28, tweeted. The post now has over 54,000 likes.

The saga on Twitter has garnered more than one reaction, with the majority of readers asking for updates from the young woman.

“I’m in the kitchen and I hope the package disappears,” she wrote humorously on the platform.

Amazon eventually responded to Ms. Begakis, offering her a refund for her purchase as well as a gift card from Mr. Bezos’ company.