Education a growing divide between Montreal and the regions

A young transsexual comes out of the closet at the graduation ceremony – Le Journal de Québec

A young man named Valedictorian in Nova Scotia used his graduation speech to come out as trans.

“I knew from a young age that I was different. The body I was born into doesn’t fit the person I identify with,” said Quinn Legg, a graduate of Nova Scotia Community College’s automotive service and repair program.

Always having a passion for cars, he had the opportunity to work on cars with his father from an early age. It is this love of automotive mechanics that led him to pursue his studies in the field and graduate at the top of his class. After graduating with honors, Quinn Legg will have the chance to continue her career at Audi, according to the school’s website.

The 18-year-old said in an interview with Global News that he realized he was in the wrong body at the age of 6. However, he did not make the transition until he was 14 years old.

His “coming out” came as a surprise to many, since apart from his family, only his close friends and his teachers knew about his gender reassignment.

His speech was followed by a standing ovation from his classmates, a reaction he didn’t expect.

“Oh my god, it was an adrenaline rush I had never felt before […] This was not the reaction I had been preparing for for several months. So it was an amazing feeling,” Quinn Legg told English-language media.

For her mother, Alicia Frederick, this is an “incredible” moment that she will never forget.

“It was unreal. Especially when he received huge applause and cheers several times during his speech. I had never felt so much pride, warmth, happiness and hope, all the while filled with fear,” she told Global News.