Abbas conveys the need to Al Sisi quotwork with all

Abbas conveys the need to Al Sisi "work with all parties" for "the end of Israeli aggression"

The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, conveyed this Monday to Egyptian President Abdel Fattá al Sisi the need to “work with all parties” to achieve and “prevent the end of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.” “Expulsion” of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank. Abbas, who traveled to Cairo to meet Al Sisi, has stressed the need to “end Israeli aggression against Palestinians everywhere, especially in the Gaza Strip” amid the offensive launched after the Oct. 7 attacks the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). He emphasized that “the only solution” is a political path “that puts an end to the Israeli occupation in the State of Palestine with Jerusalem (east) as its capital,” as the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. Al Sisi also met with Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit, with whom he discussed “the challenges in the region, particularly those related to the situation in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip,” according to a statement , which the Egyptian State Information Service (SIS) published on its website. The Egyptian president and Abul Gheit have also discussed “intensifying efforts to reach a ceasefire, provide humanitarian assistance and initiate the path to a two-state solution” leading to a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem would lead capital. The Israeli army launched its offensive against the Palestinian enclave after the aforementioned attacks, leaving about 1,200 people dead and nearly 240 kidnapped. For their part, the authorities in the Gaza Strip have reported more than 23,000 Palestinian deaths as a result of the attacks, plus more than 315 deaths in security force operations and settler attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.