Accident spreads more than 200 kg of marijuana on the

Accident spreads more than 200 kg of marijuana on the highway

A truckontruck accident on a Missouri freeway has drawn a lot of social media attention because of the cargo being transported. The truck dumped no less than 200kg of marijuana on the road last Wednesday (20).

However, the most attention in the case attracted the date when the accident occurred, April 20. In the United States, the month appears before the day in the date construction, so April 20 is April 20, a date celebrated by cannabis users as a sort of “Marijuana Day.”


Accident involving three vehicles

The accident happened around 7:15 a.m. on Interstate 70, according to police. According to one report, a pickup truck was trying to avoid a collision with another vehicle, but collided with the back of a large truck and a pickup truck.

Upon arriving at the scene, the Missouri Highway Patrol arrived at the scene where packages of marijuana were found scattered across the freeway. According to police, the vehicle carrying the load was the pickup truck that was hit by the truck.

The truck that struck the truck carrying the marijuana was occupied by a man and woman who suffered minor injuries, but the couple had to be taken to a hospital. Because marijuana is illegal in Missouri, police arrested the two men in the truck for drug trafficking.

Missouri is investigating legalization of marijuana

However, had the accident happened sometime in the future, the two occupants of the pickup truck might not have been arrested for human trafficking. Right now, two grassroots initiatives are trying to get marijuana legalization in the state of Missouri on the agenda.

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One is a type of petition that, if it gets 160,199 signatures, would vote on legalizing marijuana in Missouri in November 2022. The other is a bill going through the State Chamber.

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