According to a study late risers are more likely to

According to a study, late risers are more likely to die early

A good night’s sleep is important for our body to function well and prevent health problems. However, staying up late and nighttime habits can bring risks to our lives and even trigger diseases, as science has already made clear.

Read more: From the Menstrual Cycle to Menopause: How Do Hormones Affect Women’s Sleep?

Late risers have a higher risk of dying earlier

A study conducted in Finland, which followed around 23,000 adults over four decades, found that those who have a habit of sleeping late were more likely to die at a younger age than early risers.

Almost half of the survey participants described themselves as “night types”, i.e. people who prefer to stay awake longer. Previous studies have indicated that these individuals are at higher risk of death and are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.

But calm down, not the time itself determines this, but the habits associated with the night routine, such as excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Experts report that these unhealthy choices are linked to a penchant for staying up late.

It’s important to remember that every person is unique and that there are many factors that affect our health and longevity. So that doesn’t mean that all night owls face a shorter life. A healthy lifestyle is important.

Tips to improve sleep quality

According to nutritionist Dr. Letícia Lucas, there are some valuable tips for improving sleep quality that are listed below.

1. Establish a regular sleep routine: Going to bed and waking up around the same time every day is an excellent strategy. Oh, and don’t forget to create an environment conducive to sleep: a comfortable, dark, quiet, and cool space makes all the difference.

2. Avoid electronic devices before bed: The blue light emitted by these devices can disrupt our biological clock and make it difficult for us to rest. Rather, pay attention to sleep hygiene, avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bed, reduce alcohol and nicotine consumption, and postpone intensive exercise until the morning or afternoon.

3. Find a way to deal with stress: Regular physical exercise and activities that relax us are good options. And don’t forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet. These habits contribute to good sleep quality.

By using these approaches to improving sleep quality and transforming your nighttime routine, you’re investing in your physical, mental, and emotional health. The tips presented are simple and scientifically based and can be modified to suit your personal needs and circumstances.