According to Transparency International Peru is one of the countries

According to Transparency International, Peru is one of the countries with the highest perception of corruption Public Ministry | Justice | politics

Corruption cases reported in Peru continue to be investigated during the administration of President Dina Boluarte. Photo: LR composition by Fabrizio Oviedo/Presidency of Peru/Transparency International.

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2023 presented by Transparency International shows the countries in the world where the highest levels of corruption are recorded. According to this non-governmental organization, Peru is among the countries that record irregular actions by its authorities, officials, businessmen and more.

Around, transparency stated that countries that score lower in combating the above problem also have lower scores in the Rule of Law Index, reflecting “the link between access to justice and corruption.”

“Corruption will continue to gain ground until then Justice systems can punish misconduct and impose controls on governments. If justice is something that can be bought or politically influenced, the people who suffer are the people. Leaders must be fully committed to strengthening and ensuring the independence of institutions that enforce the law and combat corruption. “It is time to end impunity for corruption,” said the organization’s president. François Valerian.

Recommendations to curb corruption and ensure justice

transparency recommends that countries have “judicial bodies and institutions responsible for law enforcement, independent, transparent and adequately resourced” to find out acts of corruption, punish those responsible and prevent further illegal actions. It also calls on authorities to give judicial systems “the independence, resources and transparency to effectively punish all corruption crimes and establish institutional controls.”

“Corruption exacerbates social injustice and disproportionately affects the most vulnerable. In many countries, hurdles still exist for victims of corruption justice. It is time to break down barriers and ensure people have effective access to justice. All people deserve fair and inclusive legal systems in which victims' voices are heard in every case. Any other option is an affront to justice,” said Daniel Eriksson, executive director of Transparency International.

Corruption in Peru. Photo: Andina

Martín Salas: “In Peru, justice works, no matter who falls”

Former Deputy Chief Prosecutor for Anti-Corruption, Martin Salas, spoke about Peru's inclusion in the list of countries with the highest perception of corruption. In this sense, he pointed out that the country “identifies” the people who commit this crime, whether they are prosecutors, congressmen or other authorities who commit these crimes state powersand that both the State Ministry and the judiciary are working on it.

“In Peru, justice works no matter who falls. Among those testifying are members of Congress and a top prosecutor. He Peru It is not a corrupt country. We live in a culture of corruption that has existed for many years. “It’s not from now on,” Salas explained in an interview with Canal N.