Accused by Zelensky of helping Russia Poland will stop arms

Accused by Zelensky of helping Russia, Poland will stop arms sales to Ukraine .com

Poland has supported Ukraine since the first days of the war, diplomat SPENCER PLATT/Getty Images via AFP September 20, 2023

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Wednesday (20) that his country would no longer supply weapons to Ukraine after the government “urgently” summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to protest against President Volodmir Zelensky’s comments at the United Nations .

On Tuesday (19), the Ukrainian leader said that “some countries pretend to be in solidarity.” [para com a Ucrânia]but indirectly support Russia.”

“We are not supplying weapons to Ukraine, but are now equipping Poland with the most modern weapons,” Morawiecki replied to a journalist’s question about whether Poland would provide military and humanitarian support to Ukraine despite the grain conflict.

The Prime Minister did not reveal when Poland, one of the most important arms suppliers to Ukraine, stopped supplying weapons or whether this was related to the grain conflict or Zelensky’s speeches at the United Nations.

“We are mainly focusing on modernizing and rapidly arming the Polish army so that it becomes one of the most powerful land armies in Europe in the shortest possible time,” he explained.

He also said that the military center in the city of Rzeszow (southeast), where Western material passes for Ukraine, is functioning normally.

Before the announcement, Poland had “urgently” summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to protest Zelensky’s comments at the United Nations.

Guardians of the Peace? Check out how the UN Security Council works in 7 points

The Security Council is the most important body of the United Nations (UN) and its main task is to maintain international peace and security. It consists of 15 members, five of which are permanent and have veto power: the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom. The other ten members have a rotating mandate

Carlo Allegri/Portal February 21, 2022

The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China. This composition was determined at the founding of the United Nations these countries emerged victorious from the Second World War and were the main military powers at that time. About 80 years ago, China did not have the military power it does today, but was admitted to the council because of the size of its territory

Carlo Allegri/Portal March 1, 2022

The UN Security Council has the authority to impose economic sanctions, embargoes and other restrictions. In extreme cases, the group can even authorize the use of military force in international conflicts. However, permanent members can also veto these decisions. In practice, they can block a measure and thus reduce the effectiveness of the Security Council: the major powers are accused of defending their interests by vetoing resolutions

Portal / Lucas Jackson / April 5, 2018

In addition to the permanent members who have veto power, the Security Council consists of ten rotating members elected by the General Assembly for a twoyear term. The election is conducted to ensure that all regions of the world are represented in some way. Five new members are elected each year, so there is rotation between nations on the council. To be elected, a country must receive the support of at least twothirds of the member states present and voting in the General Assembly during a secret vote. This helps ensure that new members enjoy broad support among UN members

js / gal / vl / sr / yes, Gabriel CAMPELO / AFP

The presidency of the Security Council rotates monthly and follows the English alphabetical order of member country names. This means that each of the 15 members of the Council (five permanent and ten nonpermanent) has the opportunity to chair the body for a month

The Polish Deputy Foreign Minister, who received the Ukrainian diplomat, denounced a “false (…) and especially unjustifiable thesis against Poland, which has supported Ukraine since the first days of the war,” said the statement from the ministry.

Tension over grain

The tensions between Warsaw and Kiev stem from a conflict over trade in Ukrainian grain, the import of which has been banned in Poland to protect the interests of its farmers. The dispute has become more tense in recent days.

On Friday (15), the European Union announced that it had lifted the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain adopted in May by five states of the Union (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania) due to the distortions they caused in their local markets. .

Poland and Hungary challenged the decision and imposed unilateral embargoes, to which Kiev responded by announcing a future appeal to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Morawiecki warned that he would expand the list of banned Ukrainian products if Kiev escalates the conflict over grain. Ukrainian diplomats called on Poland to “put aside emotions” and take a “constructive” approach to the dispute.