Activists delay the departure of a US ship that would

Activists delay the departure of a US ship that would deliver weapons to Israel

Activists delay the departure of a US ship that wouldPro-Palestinian activists delay the departure of the ship Cape Orlando from the port of Oakland, California, USA. Photo: Getty Images.

About 200 protesters against Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip delayed for several hours this Friday the departure of the US military supply ship MV Cape Orlando from the port of Oakland, California, claiming that the ship was on its way to Israel to bring weapons and equipment to deliver.

The protest was led by the San Francisco-based Arab Resources Organization Center (AROC) and lasted several hours, during which some Protesters boarded a military ship carry a rope ladderwhile others calling for a ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza blocked the entrance to the berth.

AROC activists told the media that they believe the ship’s next stop will be in Tacoma, Washington, where it will be loaded with military equipment before setting sail for Israel. “The Genocide is funded by our government and they are sending weapons from our city,” said Lara Kiswani, executive director of AROC. “Though the ship finally sailed, We delayed it for more than nine hours“, he concluded.

For his part, Oakland Police Officer Darryl Rodgers said Friday afternoon that his department is monitoring the protests at the Port of Oakland and is working with the U.S. Coast Guard and port authorities to ensure the protests remain peaceful. “There have been no arrests so far,” he concluded.