Jackson Antunes made a disclosure while attending the meeting this Thursday (18). He said he was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer six years ago. The actor, who is currently on the airing show ‘All Flowers’, preferred to keep his treatment a secret and was only accompanied at the hospital by his wife.
“I didn’t tell anyone. Six years ago I had very severe pancreatic cancer and was hospitalized for a month. My wife stayed with me on a sofa for 30 days. She got such bad back pain that she still feels it and it will be like that for the rest of your life,” he explained.
The artist opened his heart to the situation he faced when the program aired the Bem Estar segment and addressed the phase singer Preta Gil is going through she is being treated for colon cancer.
Antunes also stressed that the strength and affection he received from the woman played a huge role in his recovery at such a delicate moment.
“Every time I woke up or went through a difficult situation, she was by my side. The doctor congratulated her. I owe her a lot for waking up and having her by my side. She stayed with me for 30 days and then left. “If Cris hadn’t stayed with me I certainly wouldn’t have left or stayed there for three months,” he explained.
Throughout the show, the actor also reminisced about important roles in his career and received a loving message from Lilia Cabral, with whom he costarred in A Favorite (2008). In the soap opera, he played a husband who committed domestic violence against his wife, a character played by the actress. The actor said he was even beaten up in the street at the time.
“He was a hated character. Did you know that I was attacked in the street?” [telespectador da novela] I was very nervous. And I did half the soap opera in a wheelchair, I had a thrombosis in my left leg. He [telespectador] got very angry and said this character was a bad example,” reported Antunes.