Actors influencers and artists could not let themselves be elected

Actors, influencers and artists could not let themselves be elected by Rio de Janeiro; see who they are

Among the names not chosen are actress and digital influencer Antonia Fontenelle, and actors André Gonçalves and Lucélia Santos.

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247 Several artists and celebrities, as well as influencers, were not elected to elected office in this year’s Rio de Janeiro election. Among them the actress and digital influencer Antonia Fontenelle (Republican), who applied for a seat in the Federal Chamber, and the actor André Gonçalves (PV), who was involved in a scandal surrounding the nonpayment of child support and applied for a vacancy for the Parliament.

Sarah Poncio (PROS), another digital influencer, was also not elected to a seat in the Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) Legislative Assembly. Pastor and businessman Márcio Poncio (Pros), father of the influencer, was also not elected to the Chamber of Deputies.

Also Andréa Sorvetão (Republican), exPaquita and businesswoman, did not get enough votes to be elected federal deputy. The actress Lucélia Santos (PSB) was not elected in this year’s election either.

The singersongwriter Mombasa (PSB) was also unsuccessful in the dispute over a place in Alerj. Comedian Rey Biannchi (PTB) was another celebrity unsuccessful in the race for a seat in the state Legislature.

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