Actress Elizangela do Amaral dies in Rio de Janeiro at

Actress Elizangela do Amaral dies in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 68 G1

1 of 3 Actress Elizangela do Amaral dies in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 68. — Photo: Reproduction/Jornal Nacional Actress Elizangela do Amaral dies in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 68. — Photo: Reproduction/Jornal Nacional

The actress Elizangela do Amaral Vergueiro died this Friday (3) at the age of 68.

Spotlights, cameras and studios. This has been the life of the actress since childhood, who began her career at the age of 7.

“I didn’t choose, I was chosen, because when I started at TV Excelsior when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was watching a children’s program, and then a man looked at me in the elevator at the end of the program, looked and said: ” I need a girl like you to do a program. ‘Where is your mother?'” the actress told Memória Globo.

In almost 60 years of his career, more than 30 soap operas were created. The first soap opera on Globo was “The Sticky One”in 1971.

2 of 3 Elizangela in “O Cafona”, 1971. — Photo: Acervo/Globo — Photo: Memória Globo Elizangela in “O Cafona”, 1971. — Photo: Acervo/Globo — Photo: Memória Globo

In “Pecado Capital” Elizangela was Emilene. The character’s name was a homage to the radio queens: the singers Emilinha and Marlene.

He was also involved in the first version of “Roque Santeiro”, which was censored by the military dictatorship. Eleven years later she appeared in the second version of the soap opera as Marilda, exwife of Roberto Matias, played by Fábio Júnior, with whom she entered into a successful partnership. They also took part “Stone on stone”.

In the early 2000s, she played the masseuse Noêmia in the soap opera “The Clone”. She was a friend and confidant of Arab women.

The last roles at Globo were in “The Strength of Desire”in 2017, and “The owner of the piece”in 2019.

3 of 3 Juliana Paes and Elizangela in “A Força do Querer”, 2017. — Photo: Estevam Avellar/Globo Juliana Paes and Elizangela in “A Força do Querer”, 2017. — Photo: Estevam Avellar/Globo

Elizangela suffered from severe breathing problems. On Friday afternoon (3), he was admitted to a public hospital in Guapimirim, in the Rio metropolitan area, with cardiorespiratory surgery. Doctors tried to resuscitate her, but she did not survive.

“One Love. A person with whom I premiered my first soap opera on TV Globo, which was “I Came Back to You”. I have great affection for you, Eli. God protect you, guide you to a path of light and peace,” said Solange Couto, actress.

The author of the soap opera, Glória Perez, wrote on a social network: “Kind, intelligent, funny, this soulful actress, every author’s dream: she wore the skin of the characters without fear or shame. I’m speechless.”

“Elizangela was a talented and dedicated actress who always excelled in her roles. The art unfortunately loses another shining star, but I am sure its legacy will live on forever,” added actor Ary Fontoura.