Actress from Curitiba Guta Stresser of A Grande Familia loses

Actress from Curitiba Guta Stresser of A Grande Família loses apartment ​​

Actress and director Guta Stresser, 50, from Curitiba, who is best known for her role as Bebel in TV Globo series ‘A Grande Família,’ has announced that she has been facing financial difficulties for the past few months and is at risk of losing her home losing the neighborhood of Itanhangá, in the western zone of Rio de Janeiro, to a financial institution.

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In an interview with the newspaper, the artist, who recently split from musician André Paixão after 15 years, said that she is facing financial difficulties due to the financing of her property.

“You bought my house at auction. Since my contract with Globo expired, I could no longer change my financing. I’m trying to void the auction. I run the risk of leaving here without the money I paid for. The bank doesn’t want to know if I have multiple sclerosis and when I’m unemployed,” he said.

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Guta prepares to return to the stage with Adriano Petermann’s play in Curitiba. She also said that the financial situation has also deteriorated due to the various attempts to conceive.

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“I’m trying to (do the treatments). But that would be the best of all worlds. If you have money, you are fine, employees can make it. People talk in abundance. I’m glad it came to them. For me, abundance came and went like a breath. I was in pretty much the same shit before I got here. But I wasn’t 50, nor did I have sclerosis,” he said.

Actor Marcos Oliveira, Beiçola in the Globo series, recently revealed again that he is also facing financial difficulties. He currently resides in Botafogo, south of Rio de Janeiro.

“I have no money, no job. They are suing me: Banco BV and Itaú. I helped a friend of mine, he didn’t pay and now I’m trying to solve the problem. I am unemployed and have to survive. I got help, but I owed five months’ rent. I need R$4,000 to pay off my debt in 18 installments. I still have to pay the rent, which is BRL 3,000,” the 67yearold artist told the magazine.

autoimmune disease

Since 2022, Guta has been actively discussing multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune and degenerative disease he has been diagnosed with. She was treated by the SUS.

“It all started in 2020 when I took part in the Faustão program of Dança dos Famosos. Everything seemed normal until I went through the choreography during rehearsals and when I was done I didn’t remember anything, nothing at all. I didn’t understand why,” the actress told the magazine.

“I started to forget very simple words like cup and chair. If I stood still for hours and watched a movie on TV, I would soon feel muscle pain. I had frequent tingling in my feet and hands, severe migraines and mood swings,” he said.

Guta revealed what it was like to receive the diagnosis: “I lost ground immediately. I didn’t even know exactly what it was, just that it affected the brain, and that alone sounded frightening to me… Experts don’t know why this process is triggered. It has been proven to affect movement and speech. I was very shocked”.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the immune system attacks neurons, affecting the structure and function of cells that are essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

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