Actress Melissa Joan Hart helped children escape in Nashville

Actress Melissa Joan Hart helped children escape in Nashville

US actress Melissa Joan Hart was among those who witnessed Monday morning’s shooting at Nashville’s Covenant School.

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This Nashville elementary school was the scene of a new mass shooting by an attacker who was able to legally obtain guns. Three nine-year-old children and three adults were killed by bullets and the Sabrina the Teenage Witch actress was among those who helped the children find shelter during the attack.

“My husband and I used to go to school for lectures. Luckily our children didn’t have any classes that day. We helped a kindergarten class,” she tearfully explains in a video posted to her Instagram account the day after the murders.

She describes how she “saw kindergarten students climbing the trees to try to escape this horrific shooting at their school.” “So we helped these toddlers cross the street to find their teachers,” she explains.

And if Melissa Joan Hart is so upset, that’s partly because this isn’t the first shooting she’s witnessed. The star and her husband, Mark Wilderson, previously lived in Connecticut with their three sons, Mason, 17, Braden, 15, and Tucker, 10.

Her home was not far from Sandy Hook, the elementary school where a 20-year-old man set fire in 2012, killing 20 children, ages six and seven, and injuring six adults before committing suicide. Here, too, the shooter had been able to legally obtain weapons in the USA.

“We helped a mother find her children and I…I don’t know what to say,” Melissa Joan Hart concluded with the same “Enough!” sung by Americans wanting better gun regulation in their territory.