ADDIK Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2

ADDIK: Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2

Eighteen months have passed since the tragic end of the first season of Classified. Rachel Miller is now Chief of Security Canada (CSC) and more suspicious of those around her than ever.

• Also read: With Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin: the 1st season of the series “Lac-Noir” on ADDIK

In this second version, which will be broadcast on ADDIK next autumn and whose shooting will be completed in a week, we find in this climate of paranoia the secret agent with a difficult past, who was tortured in the Caucasus and betrayed by people very close to her .

From the grief for her husband and colleague Émile (Patrick Labbé), a mole in the pay of the Americans who was exposed and eliminated by Valérie (Madeleine Péloquin) – information Rachel knows nothing about – the new head of the company tries to recover SCC nothing to show. “She has taken control of herself, she has a new home, but we will feel her a little less this year,” said Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin.

“Rachel is almost always perfect, she’s risen through the ranks very quickly and she’s a female director, it’s still special but she’s going to lose her resources and be completely isolated. Aside from Valerie being her watchdog, Rachel doesn’t have many healthy relationships and there is someone who will have fun taking all of her relationships away from her.

Rachel is still composing in SCC’s new premises – which we saw on a set visit on Monday – with the infamous Thomassin (Paul Ahmarani). His Uncle Philip (Gabriel Arcand), a former spy, is still around, but a cold war rages between them.

ADDIK: Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2


She also crosses paths with her former boss Adrian (Andreas Apergis), who is now a safety adviser for a mining company in the Maghreb. When two geologists are kidnapped, Rachel’s team must step in while intercepting a French dissident in this season of contrasts that celebrates both our northernness and the warmth of Morocco.

Rachel can count on a newcomer, Maxime Boulanger (Louis-Philippe Dandenault), a guy smarter than it seems. “He’s trying to follow in Rachel’s footsteps, but it’s hard,” the actor said on set.

ADDIK: Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2


Dangerous spy Irène (Leïla Thibeault Louchem) regains her freedom under nebulous circumstances – she killed the man who burned her eye in front of an RCMP officer – and helps the CSC “fix some things”, says her actress, adding : “It’s a candy as a roll; There are stunts, there are guns, I’m good with a knife and people are scared of me!”

To distract herself, Rachel falls into the arms of Fabien (Sébastien Huberdeau), the teacher of one of her two daughters, who serves as a safety valve. “I’ve done a lot of villains, it’s very nice to play a ‘cool guy’,” said Sébastien Huberdeau.

ADDIK: Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2


Rachel lives with her late husband’s mother, Maggie (France Castel), who has a problem with the bottle. Maggie stirs up a lot of things to know what happened to her son Émile, whose death is explained by an accident at work… “Rachel is consumed by hostages, a trust issue at work and her stepmother challenging her,” said Mélissa Désormeaux -Poulin.

This time the mysterious author François Pagé signs the scenario alone, Michel D’Astous has limited himself to producing the whole thing through his Box Duo Productions. Mr. D’Astous is on sabbatical for four months. The 10 new episodes are again directed by Stéphan Beaudoin.

ADDIK: Everyone Doubts Everyone in Secret Classified Season 2


Classified Secret to Lac-Noir

Filming for the second season of “Secret Classified” will end in early April. Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin will have just four days off before returning to duty on the set of the sequel to Club illico’s detective and suspense series Lac-Noir.