Advanced Writing – Thoth

Advanced Writing – Thoth

At what age did you start writing independently? Today we often start earlier and more frequently, for more reasons and in more forms. Young people quickly understand the power and necessity that writing can have.

New forms of expression through writing are emerging: emails, tweets, emojis, mutations of rap, slam, graffiti, playing on both calligraphy and intelligibility, emotion, rhythm or polysemy. Usage and technical considerations also influence semantics, syntax, and grammar, which are expected to evolve over time. Even writing machines; If they can already adopt the style we want, they will soon be able to recognize ours among thousands.

Who says writing also means reading? Some bloggers have a significant number of loyal readers, others have virtually none and are relegated to the dungeons of the rankings. A writer's challenge has always been to be read, but today it's about competing with hundreds of millions of accessible short stories and works that have been effectively indexed, annotated, quoted and translated, which include “machine messages and rich AI-generated prose “to be added

So the idea of ​​cyborgizing our writing with that of AI is gaining ground… to be better disseminated using strategic words and key phrases compiled by algorithms that amplify the reach of our message, which is transformed by these considerations became… . The balance between popularity, originality and ethics becomes a real problem. For an AI, originality and consistency in both content and style are the highest values ​​of the texts that serve as its inspiration, they are its food that makes it appear “intelligent”. Future authors will inevitably have to further develop their relevance and the quality of their texts, while “communication agents” must, above all, increase their productivity.

The Scripture is not yet finished distributing its parts.

Denys Lamontagne – [email protected]

Illustration: Peshkova – DepositPhotos