Advertising Council suspends airing of Barbie trailer

A commercial for the feature film Barbie, in which a child smashes doll heads, will no longer be shown in cinemas before the screening of films rated for under 12 years.

What happened?

Conar (Advertising SelfRegulation Council) issued an injunction today (07) requesting the partial suspension of one of the commercials from the movie Barbie, which hits theaters July 21.

The trailer, which is running in the cinema, shows a child beating the heads of small dolls. after the appearance of a giant barbie.

The lawsuit against the ad opened this week.after the agency received complaints from consumers about the teaser.

According to Conar, the teaser contains scenes of “unurbanity, lack of good manners, or violent/unsafe acts.” This violates the recommendations of Article 37 of the Brazilian Advertising SelfRegulation Law.

The early suspension means avoiding the showing of the trailer before the theatrical release of films with an expected age rating of less than 12 years.

The Council reiterates that “the scope of the recommendations concerns only the advertising campaign”.and not about the film, which is a work of art.”

Asked, Warner has not yet responded to the issue. Once you do this, this report will be updated.

Watch the trailer for the film, which makes a clear reference to the beginning of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968):