After 37 years he passes the torch to his son

After 37 years, he passes the torch to his son

Christian Tondreau is preparing to pass the torch of his company, founded in Verdun in 1986, to the third generation.

His son Carl takes over together with his partner Stéphanie, the daughter of Christian Tondreau’s wife.

Tondreau Market quickly gained a reputation that today extends beyond the borough’s borders. “We have a loyal clientele. Even after leaving the district, the former Verdunois continue to come and buy their meat and other products from us,” explains Christian Tondreau, who runs the food butcher shop founded by his father 37 years ago.

He is now preparing to pass the company on to the third generation. His son Carl has decided to take over the company with a partner, Stéphanie, daughter of Christian Tondreau’s wife.

Despite their young age – Carl is 28 and Stéphanie 23 – the future owners have many years of experience in the local grocery store, having worked there during their studies.

“Here I was passionate about customer service,” says Carl Tondreau, who studied business administration at CEGEP before deciding to work full-time for the family business.

“Carl is in his place in customer service. He even scores better than me,” says his father, who is very proud that the grocery store remains in the family.

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Consecutive Extensions

Competition in the trading world is fierce. Nevertheless, Tondreau Market has always held its own, as it has changed a lot since it opened. From a simple butcher shop that made $300,000 in annual sales, it has grown into a grocery store with a wide variety of products that now has sales of $5 million, explains Christian Tondreau.

Over the years the company has undergone several expansions. Tondreau Market was originally established on Wellington Street and moved to its current location on Verdun Street in 1993. Two years later, Christian Tondreau decided to buy the building that housed his company and which also had a fruit shop and two apartments on the upper floor.

“In 2000 I bought the fruit store, which made it possible to expand the grocery store and diversify the product range. Later I invested in the renovation of the store facade and a few years later we did the complete renovation of the store. I also converted one of the apartments into a production kitchen. This is where we prepare all the ready meals and charcuterie that we sell,” says Christian Tondreau, who estimates that he has invested a total of nearly $1 million to improve the business, which currently spans 1,700 square meters.

“I went step by step and took calculated risks,” he says.

quality products

Today, Tondreau Market employs around thirty people. He has become a pillar of Verdun’s commercial vitality.

“Our clientele has grown with us,” says Christian Tondreau. Today we look after the children and grandchildren of our first customers. Among them there are still some that my father served.

Thanks to its privileged relationship with customers and personal service, Tondreau Market offers a shopping experience difficult to find in large stores. “We are constantly adapting our product offering to meet our customers’ expectations. For example, we are one of the few butchers to offer Wagyu beef, which originally comes from Japan and is known for its marbled meat. It sells for $400 per kilo and is a product reserved for special occasions. We also sell several high quality meats.”

In addition, there are many homemade charcuterie, the domain of Carl Tondreau, who learned from a master charcuterie chef.

Today it is Carl and Stéphanie who run the day-to-day operations, but Christian Tondreau remains close by.

“Instead of working 80 hours a week, I only work 40,” he laughs.

“Tondreau Market is in good hands and it will stay that way!” he adds confidently.

Tondreau market

Established date: 1986

Activities: butcher and sausage trade

Shareholder: Christian Tondreau

Number of employees: 30