1702229675 After a break Chantal Lacroix wants to return to TV

After a break, Chantal Lacroix wants to return to TV – 7 Days

Comfort again. Softness. Hope. This is what Chantal Lacroix believes is necessary in these “dark” times when nothing is going well. And more than ever, she feels compelled to take action to breathe new life into it all.

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For the sixth year in a row, Chantal is actively involved in the Petits Trésors Foundation, which promotes research and mental health care for children and young people. As spokesperson for the annual campaign, she encourages people to purchase the “Moment de cœur” litter at participating Jean Coutu pharmacies by December 31st. A portion of the profits will be donated to a good cause.

At the time of our interview, Chantal is in a warehouse managing Christmas orders for the Chantal Lacroix Collection. As with all of her initiatives, she is fully committed! “It’s a question of solidarity,” she says. She supports people in need. And right now she's turning her attention to young people who are struggling with mental health issues and need support. “I seem to say “more than ever” every year, but at the moment we are facing a context where mental health is severely compromised. “At school, fear is at the top of the list of reasons for absenteeism among young people,” she complains. “It’s gaining more and more ground. This makes it even more important to take care of mental health!” She also points out that, according to the World Health Organization, 10% of children under 10 have thought about suicide, a number that gives you goosebumps.


Her daughter Camly is 13 years old. Puberty is often a difficult phase of life. “Everything can change so easily,” she admits. “Whether it's performance anxiety or heartbreak (…), nothing can be taken for granted as a parent, no matter how well prepared you think you are.” Luckily, Chantal and her teenager have good communication. “We talk a lot with Camly, I really think we tell each other everything. I'm an open book and I feel like she is too. But we are never safe from the trials that may come our way…” She admits that the last few years could have led the young girl to collapse. “We've been through a difficult time, Camly and I, my breakup in quick succession, the fire at her school, the fire at our house… All of these elements could have an impact at some point. So I tried to be there, but sometimes kids want to keep their garden a secret.”

The desire to help more than ever

In the current context, marked by major international conflicts, an economic crisis, concerns about the future of the planet and environmental fears, the space for hope seems limited. To spark some optimism, the producer and presenter is considering a return to television. “I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back to TV and now I do! I tell myself that we really have to do something!!! By observing what is happening everywhere: there is war, anger, frustrations, strikes because workers no longer care…” She, like many others, wonders where the world is heading.

“I look at my daughter, who at 13 years old says to me: ‘You are leaving us an entire planet!’ She aspires to work at the United Nations or in the environmental field or to devote herself to defending women’s rights. I'm not sure I had this awareness at 13! But young people only hear and see crisis situations, so they are made aware of it.”

This reality makes them realize one thing: “We have the choice to say to ourselves: 'I'll mind my own little business' or: 'What if we tried to mobilize ourselves, each other to help do something?” and see what it can do?” That's the campaign for the Little Treasures Foundation, but I also have a desire to return to the television world to get something going to try to create an awareness movement, to give hope, to provoke something. My daughter is definitely the one who motivates me the most!”

After a break Chantal Lacroix wants to return to TV

Photo: Julien Faugere / TVA Publications


In this desire to help, the company has just launched another online wellness program parallel to its “Let's be the Solution” platform: Trippe ta vie! (programmetrippetavie.com), in collaboration with meditation and modern Buddhism expert Martin Bilodeau. This year she attended a retreat with him in Mexico. “He is a caring person, a presence we need more of in this world! He is inspiring. It encourages us to feel gratitude and reconnect with our inner joy, which we have lost a little along the way.”


A few weeks ago, pneumonia forced the host to cancel a conference. “It was the first time in my life. But I had no choice, I couldn't speak. Things are going really well there!” she is happy. During the trials, she learned to let go of life's unexpected events. “There are things I can control, for the rest there is no point in worrying about what will happen.” His house, which burned down in May 2021, is still being rebuilt. “It will not be ready until July 2024 at the earliest. It's still being built, maybe we'll have another year.” While they wait, she and Camly are staying in an apartment. “We are modestly positioned, with as little inventory as possible. It teaches us that we don’t need much and can live more simply.”


Chantal is leaving in January for a women's stay at SOS Santé, a three-week closed retreat she organized with a group of 38 girls in a remote location in the countryside. “There is no wardrobe, no desk, the room is small, we share showers and toilets… It will be a challenge,” she admits. “But it is three weeks in which we take care of our physical and mental health. We will exercise every day and learn to eat well. 18 speakers will visit us… We will receive gifts of life!”


As you read this, Chantal will be under the Cuban sun for her annual SOS Santé Beauté camp with 300 people and speakers. Chantal spends more time outside the nest. Her lover of four years, a businessman named Patrick, copes very well with it. And for the simple reason that… “He follows me all the time!” Except for my retirement in January. He’ll help me if he comes with me.” She likes to combine business with pleasure. However, she loses her talkativeness when it comes to talking about her love life and keeping her secret garden.


Chantal and Camly's household has had a new member since last spring: Mitsou, a beautiful little creature with black and white hair, a standard poodle mix. “Camly’s dog arrived last March. My daughter wanted to adopt one. We talked about it because it becomes a responsibility and it changes things,” she notes. “He is a good, sociable dog! He always follows Camly.” A lovely addition to this happy family… where happiness emanates!

Chantal Lacroix invites people to purchase the “Moment de cœur” throw for $20 at participating Jean Coutu locations through December 31st. For every unit sold, $8 goes to the Little Treasures Foundation.

• Also read: Chantal Lacroix celebrates four years of love by sharing several photos with her partner

SEE ALSO: Chantal Lacroix's “real” questionnaire: