After a fire they return to their homes but find

After a fire, they return to their homes but find themselves in unsanitary conditions

Residents of a building damaged by the flames were able to return home after a few days, but found themselves in unsanitary accommodation.

• Also read: Montreal: Fire in an apartment building in Hochelaga

On September 7, a fire occurred in this building on Sainte-Catherine Street East in Montreal.

The Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district then temporarily cared for the residents while city inspectors were able to ensure the premises remained safe.

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Residents believe this is not the case, especially because water seeps inside when it rains.

There is still a smell of smoke and mold, requiring some residents of the building to wear a mask.

Bed bugs also occur in private households.

VAT News

Residents feel abandoned by the district.

“After the fire I had a headache and a sore throat,” said one resident. I often lose my voice because of the smells.”

“Personally, I don’t think it’s safe,” one tenant added.

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“The problem is that it is a building that is not structurally suitable for living,” says one woman. We saw that the roof had holes in it and was charred, allowing water to seep in and fall three stories into the housing. The walls are infiltrated with water and we see mold forming.”

For its part, the city states that everything is compliant and all criteria are met, even if it is not ideal.

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Residents held an open house at the site on Friday to lament their condition.

For the full explanation, see the video above