After a message from Tadeu on "BBB 23"Cristian calls Fred Nicácio to talk about religion and the doctor stays "incredulous" GZH

No connection

Gustavo told Cara de Sapato that he didn’t think he disregarded anyone’s religion on “BBB 23.”

The carnival spirit wasn’t enough to dampen the atmosphere that remained between Cristian, Gustavo and Key Alves after hearing this Message from Tadeu Schmidt on religious diversity In the BBB 23. After the trio has claimed to be afraid of Fred Nicáciowho belongs to a religion of African origin, saw him praying at dawn and “doing his business”, the presenter had to intervene during the live broadcast to remind her that there is no good religion and no bad religion.

The three began to worry about the situation as soon as they were alone. With Cara de Sapato, Gustavo vented:

— It was a move we talked about, but nobody respects — began the farmer. — We talked about religion, but I never disrespected myself. I respect everyone’s religion. It was the person’s intention. Not because of religion, because I respect everyone’s religion, I’ve been to everyone. But it is the intention of the person, not the religion itself.

In the room, Cristian and Key discussed the topic with other participants.

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“I know what I felt. It’s energy pressure explained the gaucho.

I respect all religions. All! I even have friends of all (…). I do that I feel a heavy energy here. This is inevitable. All the time man,” the volleyball player added.

The two said they didn’t criticize Fred Nicácio because of his religion, but because they believed he had negative “intents” against them. Finally, the São Paulo woman said that “she will not fool her feelings” and that she was “calm” about what happened:

— It is inevitable when you feel things. I won’t force a stop that gives me nothing, man. (…) Why do they only say that it has to be like this? It doesn’t work for me. Respect is respect, but I don’t have to be a friend, no…

In response, Aline Wirley suggested that Cristian should speak to Nicácio to understand what really happened that night.

DR between Cristian and Nicácio

No connection

Cristian went to the doctor to talk to him and try to understand Nicácio’s behavior the previous night.

Moments later, the gaucho called the doctor for a chat on the porch.

— I was really bad and I want to understand what happened. I don’t know if you felt sick that night, if something happened, but I woke up and you were standing in front of me in the room. Do you remember? I’ve seen you standing there a few times. Made my chest tight…

Nicácio explained that he went to the confessional because he was in pain and that he stood in the dark trying to adjust to the light in the room to go to bed without tripping over anyone. He questioned the reason for the conversation and Cristian said that he has “no problem with religion”:

“Sometimes you say a few words that must be your religion. Not that I’m uncomfortable, but I don’t understand what it is and sometimes I’m a little scared.

The doctor then questioned the relationship between the two subjects.

“It’s one thing for me to stand in front of your bed and try to get into mine because it’s all dark, it’s another thing for religion. I couldn’t figure out what that had to do with it,” he said.


After the businessman left, Fred Nicácio told Marvvila about the conversation.

— It was precisely what I was attacked with religious intolerance at that point of mastery. He assumed I was in front of his bed… said the brother without finishing the sentence. “I was incredulous. I can’t believe he meant that!

Listen to the GZH podcast about BBB 23: