1709263305 After a serious injury the diving hopeful wants to restart

After a serious injury, the diving hopeful wants to restart his career at his first World Cup

For Benjamin Tessier, the Montreal Diving World Cup is the first in his career, but it is also the moment to demonstrate all his resilience.

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Tessier, who turns 19 on March 26, had to miss a year due to a back injury. Her hard work allowed her to return to the platform in September, although it was not without its challenges.

“I had fractures in my vertebrae. It was wear and tear. I had a few injuries but I kept diving. At some point my body gave up. He said it was too much, that I had to take care of myself. I listened to it for a year and we put it together. We have slowly built up the muscles in the round and back area and I am sure that we have a good base,” said the young man from Blainville earlier this week on the edge of the swimming pool in the Olympic Park.

Benjamin Tessier during training, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the swimming pool at the Olympic Park in Montreal.

Benjamin Tessier is taking part in his first diving World Cup this week. Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY


He trusted those around him who had to slow down from time to time to respect the game plan and avoid re-injury.

“It was difficult to stay motivated. At the beginning of rehabilitation you tell yourself that you will do it because you want to come back, but after 6-7 months you realize that it is a long time. At some point determination sets in. And it’s worth it,” Tessier said proudly and laughed during his practice on Tuesday.

“I had doubts,” he admitted, “but I trusted the people around me. “Today I can still make progress.”

Benjamin Tessier during training, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the swimming pool at the Olympic Park in Montreal.

Benjamin Tessier had fun at training on Tuesday. Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY

“The beginning of a long adventure”

It is therefore a great reward that Tessier received when he was invited to dive in front of his loved ones in Montreal.

“After this year it is a success. I got back to the level I was at. I want to give it my all and we’ll see what happens,” said the man who finished 17th in the 10-meter heat on Thursday.

Regardless of the outcome, Tessier wants to use this experience to “get used to this type of competition” with the best in the world.

“Maybe this is the beginning of a long adventure,” said the smiling athlete.

Benjamin Tessier during training, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the swimming pool at the Olympic Park in Montreal.

Benjamin Tessier met with the media on Tuesday. Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY

The best Canadian was Rylan Wiens (7th), followed by Quebecer Nathan Zsombor-Murray (9th).

Benjamin Tessier during training, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the swimming pool at the Olympic Park in Montreal.

Benjamin Tessier in training on Tuesday. Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY