After all Germany wants to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine

After all, Germany wants to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine

Germany will supply Ukraine with Gepard anti-aircraft tanks. German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said on Tuesday at the start of a meeting of the heads of departments of allied countries at the US military base in Ramstein that the federal government had decided on Monday.

In addition, Germany is working with the United States to train Ukrainian troops in artillery systems on German soil.

Training on self-propelled howitzers and the supply of ammunition to Ukraine are also planned jointly with the Netherlands. “Because we all know that artillery is an essential factor in this conflict,” Lambrecht said.

ring exchange

Another aspect of German arms aid to Ukraine is the so-called exchange of rings, as explained by Lambrecht (SPD). Accordingly, Eastern European partners supply Ukraine with equipment from Soviet production and Germany replenishes these stocks. “There is still more that can be done here, and we are ready to do it,” said Lambrecht. At the invitation of the US government, defense ministers from more than 40 countries met in Ramstein to discuss how to proceed in the war. The declared objective is for Ukraine to win the conflict and repel the Russian attack. However, it must be avoided at all costs that the Allies become part of the war.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Russia’s actions in Ukraine were inexcusable. The world is united against the Moscow government. Ukraine is convinced that it can win this war. “Everyone does it here.”

Heavy Weapons “Welcome”

The parliamentary groups of the traffic light coalition have in the meantime reached an agreement on a joint proposal in which the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine is welcomed. However, aid must be placed in the context of comprehensive efforts to achieve peace. In the ten-page draft titled “Defending Peace and Freedom in Europe – Comprehensive Support for Ukraine”, the SPD, Greens and FDP factions are mainly focusing on providing Ukraine with heavy weapons through exchanging rings with Eastern European countries.

The parliamentary group CDU/CSU presented its own motion for a resolution on the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine. It also calls for the surrender of heavy weapons from the Bundeswehr’s “available stocks”. The parliamentary director of the FDP parliamentary group, Johannes Vogel, expressed the hope that the Union parliamentary group will now join the coalition’s proposal. It is now a matter of uniting the Bundestag, said Vogel in Berlin. Ukraine needs heavy weapons to win the war. And in Russia, the conviction that you can take whatever you want militarily must be broken.

However, the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, was more cautious. At the ARD, he announced that the traffic light coalition wanted a broader approach to the debate. “I think the discussion in recent days has had a massively militaristic bias,” he said. The Bundestag is due to debate and decide on the project on Thursday.

“Whenever possible” also heavy weapons

The traffic light order states that the delivery of necessary equipment to Ukraine must be continued and “wherever possible” accelerated, including for heavy weapons and complex systems. Germany’s ability to defend the alliance must not be undermined. The government should check “whether more weapons can be delivered and actively approach other countries to offer them an exchange of rings”. In this case, Eastern European countries that deliver equipment to Ukraine must be provided or paid for the replacement material.

Traffic light factions also support the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Germany or on NATO territory. In addition, equipment gaps in the Bundeswehr must be closed as soon as possible. That is why the adoption of the special fund for the Bundeswehr with 100 billion euros is so important.

No parties in conflict

“The Russian regime must immediately cease all combat operations, withdraw all forces under its control and all war material from the entire territory of Ukraine,” demand Ampel parties, who also accuse Russia of massive war crimes. in the motion. In coordination with the EU, Germany should file Ukraine’s case against Russia before the International Court of Justice.

Neither Germany nor NATO should become part of the war, he said. After the war, however, the Federal Republic must be ready to become one of Ukraine’s guarantor powers. “Germany has a special responsibility to do everything to ensure that aggressive nationalism and imperialism no longer have a place in Europe and the world in the 21st century,” the three factions write. That’s why we fully support Ukraine’s right to self-defence.