After criticism Virginia Fonseca tries to explain the controversial statement

After criticism, Virgínia Fonseca tries to explain the controversial statement: "nobody thinks the same" Shine Brazil

1 of 3 Virgínia Fonseca — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Virgínia Fonseca — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

“When I said choose according to your reality, your principles, your values, it’s this: nobody thinks the same. I think like this, the neighbor thinks differently… I can say that, I will vote for candidate X because there are people who are starving and he will put an end to it. That was my thought. Now imagine if I turned around and said, “Who is he going to vote for? I’ll vote for whom.” . Do you understand? Then I didn’t think my way, I didn’t follow my principles and values ​​and I followed so and so. That’s what I meant values, your reality and everything is fine,” uttered by Stories.

She continued: “I’m even shaking, I’m very nervous. I’m going to be a little off or I’m going to give birth to this girl, I’m very nervous… What I mean is that you vote according to the opinion that you’ve formed, your thinking that you should vote because of the and who will choose. That’s what I said: “I’m against hunger, unemployment, so I’m going to vote for this candidate because he’s against it too.” All right. What I meant is that you’re not voting according to each other’s reality will vote for so and so.” But why will you vote for such and such? Just because the other will choose. Choose him for your reality, your principles, your values… you think like him. Tha’ts what I meant.”

On Sunday (2), Virgínia outraged netizens as she spoke about the elections. She advised that everyone should “vote according to their reality.” “Today is election day. Choose wisely, it is our right and it is up to us to decide what is best for our Brazil. Don’t get carried away by each other’s reality. Think about your reality, your principles and your values. Choose for yourself, for your child, for your family, our most precious asset.”

The statement was not well received online and the influencer’s name was one of the most discussed. “They expect Virginia Fonseca’s mind to be pathetic. I’m surprised she only remembers her daughter’s name,” said one. “Shut up, you’re embarrassing yourself!” Said another.

2 of 3 Virginia speaks out — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Virginia speaks out — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

3 out of 3 Virginia speaks out — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Virginia speaks out — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram