After cursing GKay Sonia Abrao retaliates with influencers response Low

After cursing GKay, Sonia Abrao retaliates with influencer’s response: “Low level”

Sonia Abrão and GKay are not exactly in a friendly mood. The presenter decided to continue the fight between the two this Tuesday (14) during her show A Tarde É Sua. The discussion started when she called the influencer ridiculous for investing BRL 8 million in her Farofa da GKay party. Disturbed by the comment, the Paraibana attacked the program commanded by Sonia.

In an interview during singer Simaria’s birthday party, GKay said, “She doesn’t even know what she was talking about.” After the statement, the influencer stopped the interview.
When Sonia received the businesswoman’s response, she decided to fight back and justify the crime. “You have eight million. Share it, damn it! I was outraged as a Brazilian, as a human being. In that moment, what you did, you don’t do. There was a lack of sensitivity [diante do momento que o Brasil enfrentava]’ said the presenter.

“I called you ridiculous because your attitude at that moment was ridiculous. If it hurt you that much… Have your party, celebrate, you can. For goodness sake, you can’t really take it. in the fridge and then I’m giving the red carpet? Why not? I’m not chasing anybody,” Sonia said.

“Apparently you value the negative. What I said about Farofa that you said you would spend eight million reais and I put it on the fridge weighed a lot more than the red carpet I gave you for the donation of a hundred thousand reais for the rain from Pernambuco. Let’s stop here, I won’t get down to that low level, that Thursday babble you used. Be a true Brazilian, don’t stray from reality. We need action, participation. Sei Gkay red carpet do what we need,” he argued.