After filming the finale of The Island of Love How

After filming the finale of The Island of Love: How Does It Work, the audience voted for the winning couple. –

Filming for the Isle of Love finale had already taken place when the production asked viewers to vote for their favorite couple, but how is that possible?

No, the production doesn’t know ahead of time who audiences will vote as the season’s big winner (although that’s not quite true this year, as Lorie and Hugo have a very big lead), and there’s no cheating involved either at this level no worries, the winners will indeed be audience favorites.

In such a situation, where the viewers determine the winning couple, the following trick is generally chosen: the production shoots several possible endgames (four in the case that interests us), but only broadcasts the one with the real winners. This year, after the Wednesday night show, voting was initiated around 10 p.m. and concluded at 11 a.m. the next morning. This gave the production enough time to complete the cut.

The process hasn’t been confirmed to us by TVA or the production company, but since pictures of the finale were already available on Wednesday (see the gallery at the end of the article), there aren’t many other possibilities. It’s, let’s mention it, also a common practice in reality TV.

The only slight disadvantage of this method is that the candidates feign surprise, resulting in a less spontaneous result. On the other hand, we generally only see fire!

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