quotAfter I had Liz I took possession of myselfquotsays Lore

"After I had Liz, I took possession of myself"says Lore Improta, who wants to be a mother again Glamor Brasil

Despite her few ambitions when it came to motherhood, her husband Léo always dreamed of becoming a father. And so the couple embarked on this new relationship journey: the discovery, pregnancy and birth of little Liz. “I explored the topic of motherhood with Léo for almost 5 years. We got married and planned it but it happened very quickly. I took my birth control chip thinking it would take a few months, the following month I got pregnant.” , says Lorena in an exclusive interview with Glamour.

2 of 6 “I’ve learned so many things, but I think what I learned most from Liz is the true meaning of happiness” — Photo: Disclosure

“I’ve learned so many things, but I think what I learned most from Liz is the true meaning of happiness” — Photo: Disclosure

The pains and joys of motherhood

“Motherhood has changed me. It’s not a thousand flowers, but it’s delicious. It’s an experience that I think every woman should have because it’s too special, it transforms us. I’m a much more mature woman, at least. and responsible after Liz was born,” explains Lore.

But not everything was a bed of roses, and for this transformation to happen fully, Lorena had to face the greatest challenges of this moment of motherhood. In third place, she put the baby blues — a phase that occurs shortly after the baby is born and lasts about three weeks. He oscillates between moments of deep sadness and sometimes more intense fearful situations.

3 of 6 Lore Improta — Photo: Advertisement

Lore Improta — Photo: Advertisement

“I thought I wouldn’t go back to my former life and work so fast. I really like working, I have that as a motivator in my life. I thought I didn’t have that time to myself anymore, so I literally had an existential crisis. It took me the help of my family, my friends, my husband and reports from other mothers to understand that this was really going to happen in a moment that was a phase.”

4 of 6 “I love my job, it’s something that drives me, makes me feel good, moves me and makes me happy” — Photo: Disclosure

“I love my job, it’s something that drives me, makes me feel good, moves me and makes me happy” — photo: disclosure

The challenges didn’t stop there. Lore had to face breastfeeding, which she thought would be a smoother process, as well as sleep deprivation. “Breastfeeding is difficult, but you still have treatment, do the laser, you take care of the breast despite the pain. But the issue of sleep, you get stressed, distressed, sleepy and end up bringing it to the baby. You have to mentally to be good, to be inwardly balanced, not to let anything show,” explains Lore, who, despite all the setbacks, would like to have another child. “I had plans for next year but we have some projects in mind that I wouldn’t be able to do while pregnant, you know? So we’re maturing that idea out so we can decide if it’s coming next year or 2024”.

Lore admits that without the support network she has today, she would have had to make difficult choices between work and quality time with her daughter. “It would certainly be two tough decisions to make because I love being with her, I love watching her grow, but I love my job, it’s something that drives me, makes me feel good, that moves me and makes me happy. I feel complete in my work, so it’s a complement: we have to find that balance. I needed and need this support network that allows me to manage my logistics, my schedule, where to travel and where to come back. I’ve never been away for more than 3 days de liz, so all my work is designed so that I can go home in two days, or if I need to be away longer she goes with me”.

5 of 6 “Lore before Liz was a girl. And Lore after Liz is a much more mature woman.” — Photo: Disclosure

“Lore before Liz was a girl. And Lore after Liz is a much more mature woman” — Photo: Disclosure

Lore Improta before and after Liz

“Lore was a girl before Liz. And Lore after Liz is a much more mature, dedicated and responsible woman. After I had Liz, I took possession of myself. I listened to others a lot, I thought people knew more about me than I do, now I know who I am. Things don’t shake me the way they used to because I’m a lot more sure of myself. I really became a woman that I admire.”

6 of 6 Lore Improta — Photo: Advertisement

Lore Improta — Photo: Advertisement