After invasion of privacy in case of abuse against his

After invasion of privacy in case of abuse against his daughter, Dudu Nobre says: ​​”Respect my pain”

Dudu Nobre and Olivia (UOL Reproduction)

Dudu Nobre and Olivia (UOL Reproduction)


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Dudu Nobre broke the silence and vented something very intimate, personally and that it should be done in secret. The situation is linked to the sexual abuse his 20yearold daughter Olivia Nobre allegedly suffered at a party. The police investigation is being conducted confidentially and nothing could be disclosed. That didn’t happen.

“While my daughter was testifying, I was surprised to learn that there were people granting live interviews and speaking on matters that should remain confidential. I ask you again: respect our pain and especially your pain,” the singer said on his Instagram channel.

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According to Extra, the 20yearold was allegedly attacked by more than one person at a party she was attending with friends in a community near Recreio dos Bandeirantes in Rio de Janeiro. Dudu continued his outburst: “As a father, it was the greatest sadness I have ever felt at not being able to protect her from such an invasion of privacy. For the first time I am speaking on a subject that should be private. I’m on my family’s side for anything they need and I don’t have to divulge it here. I have to be strong.”

Adriana Bombom, the young woman’s mother, revealed that the family is awaiting court developments. “I am a very strong woman, I have been through everything in this life that you have no idea about. And one more thing I’m going to get, it’s a lot of beatings to take in this life. But God doesn’t give us anything we can’t carry.”

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