After negotiations with Ukraine Russia decides to drastically reduce military

After negotiations with Ukraine, Russia decides to drastically reduce military activities in the direction of Kyiv and Chernigov

After negotiations with Ukraine Russia decides to drastically reduce military

Taken from Radio HC

MOSCOW, March 29 (RHC) Russia has taken “two steps to de-escalate the conflict in Ukraine,” one in the military and one in the political sphere, said Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian peacekeeping delegation negotiations.

At the end of the meeting with Ukrainian representatives in a new round of talks held this Monday in Istanbul, Turkey, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomín told a news conference that “the decision was made to drastically reduce military activities towards Kyiv and Chernihiv”.

“Following today’s substantive debate, we have come to an agreement and are proposing a solution that would allow the heads of state to meet at the same time as the foreign ministers signing the treaty,” the head of the Russian delegation stated, clearly a political step.

Medinski also stated that Russia had received written proposals from Ukraine confirming its intention to adopt neutral and non-nuclear status.

“It was a constructive meeting. We have received suggestions from Ukraine to take their clearly stated position into account and include it in the treaty. These proposals will be considered and reported to the President in the near future,” Medinski said.

Speaking to journalists, Fomín also called on the Ukrainian authorities “to strictly adhere to the Geneva Conventions, including with regard to the humane treatment of prisoners of war” and to refrain from torture. (Source/RT)