After the death of ORV athlete Christoph Seifriedsberger car driver

After the death of ÖRV athlete Christoph Seifriedsberger: car driver convicted in Italy

About a year ago, Austrian national team rower Christoph Seifriedsberger died in a traffic accident near Rome while riding his bicycle. Now the driver has been convicted.

The Austrian National team rower Christoph Seifriedsberger suffered a traffic accident in Pontinia, 100 kilometers south of Rome, on January 6, 2023. die in an accident.

An Italian car driver is therefore closed 18 months imprisonment on probation To be condemned. The woman agreed to the minimum sentence with a judge in the city of Latina, Italian media reported on Tuesday.

Extenuating circumstances

The defendant, who was returning home from work, was driving a Lancia Y in the opposite direction when she lost control of the car and ended up in a canal. The vehicle collided with 26-year-old Seifriedsberger's bicycle. The 2016 under-23 world champion was dead on the spotas the medical team discovered immediately after the accident.

The judge recognized him mitigating circumstance of contributory negligence because Seifriedsberger did not drive in line with his companions, but occupied a large part of the road.

Training stay

The victim was with the national team on a training trip to Sabaudia, on Lago di Paola, a destination chosen by many teams in winter. He was riding with other cyclists when he was hit by the car.