After the first 8 hour workday of her life: influencer starts crying

10/28/2023 4:05 pm (current 10/28/2023 9:30 pm)

“Eight hours is crazy”, complains the influencer. ©Canva, Tiktok/brielleybelly123

Young influencer faced with difficult everyday life outside of social media fame: After just eight hours of work, Brielle is exhausted and wonders how people manage to keep it up every day.

For American student Brielle, the usual daily routine, from getting up to going to work and coming home, has become a total nightmare.

Influencer complains: “Eight hours is crazy”

“Eight hours of work and then commuting. “I’m too exhausted to cook anything for myself,” complains Brielle, who has more than 100,000 followers on TikTok.

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After an eight-hour work day, the influencer just wanted to take a shower, eat something and sleep. “I can’t do anything else!”, she emphasizes. She also wonders how other people still manage to find time for friendships, dates or sports. “Eight hours is crazy,” she complains. Furthermore, she has to commute to work for about an hour every day. “I get on the train around 7:30 am and don’t get home until around 6:15 pm,” says Brielle. “That takes forever.”

Video encouragement from Germany

The young American finds support on TikTok, where many users share their opinions and comment like “It’s so monotonous and frustrating. I feel for you, girl. But there are similar feelings in Germany as well. A video of a young woman looking for a job is spreading. In the clip she complains about the limited number of vacation days per year and wonders how it is possible to survive like this. “The bad thing is that 30 days of vacation is still a lot,” she says and adds: “I also have friends who want to see me. Where should I get energy from?”

“Welcome to reality”

Her video also spread quickly, but unlike Brielle, the German received not only supportive comments, but also ridicule, especially from representatives of the older generations. “Welcome to reality” or “Our parents did this too”, are some of the comments.

However, there are also those who share your opinion. “You can scoff at this or you can realize that the lady is basically right,” writes one user, adding that he, too, will not have paid off his student loans until he is 50.