After a Leo Lins show was removed from digital platforms for containing jokes deemed biased, an old release by the comedian went viral again on social media, sparking outrage among netizens. In the post in question, the comedian pokes fun at the 2008 murder of Isabella Nardoni, a fiveyearold girl who was thrown from the window of the sixthfloor apartment where her father and stepmother lived.
The publication, which received a lot of attention on the networks, dates back to 2020. At the time, the comedian shared a photo of a message announcing the birth of Isabella Nardoni’s mother’s new son. “I just hope she lives downstairs,” the comedian wrote in the caption of the post.
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Netizens were outraged when they saw the joke. “The despicable drivel only he calls humor,” wrote a Twitter user. “There’s no way this guy can be normal in the head,” said another. “I don’t know how to measure the hate this unfortunate comment sparked in me,” commented a third.
The reason this publication appears after about three years is the new lawsuit against Leo Lins. In the afternoon of last Tuesday (16), the comedian had to remove the comedy show Disturbing from digital platforms. The court’s decision was made at the request of the São Paulo State Ministry of State (MPSP), which deemed some lines of the comedy special to be biased.
The court decision also banned the comedian from posting new content on social media that could be considered offensive, or making available videos and posts with “derogatory or degrading content.”
According to the comedian, the show ran for about 200 days before it was pulled from circulation. On social media, he said he was subject to censorship. “This lawsuit has ridiculous consequences. There is much more at stake. The rationale for removing my stand up show could basically be to remove 95% of the comedy specials. Aside from what I consider to be disproportionate requests to tell jokes on stage.’ of the theatre. Equating an artistic expression with a criminal act,” he wrote in one publication.
Leo Lins: “I hope she lives on the ground floor”
for Isabella Nardoni’s mother.
the girl who was kicked out of the building by her father and stepmother. (@lisdexanfetabia) May 17, 2023