Agatha lives in e Paixao Team seeks actress to turn

Agatha lives in e Paixão: Team seeks actress to turn soap opera upside down TV

A discussion group with viewers led Globo to sum up the fate of Agatha (Bianca Bin) in Terra e Paixão. The Nine O’Clock Soap Opera’s titular writer, Walcyr Carrasco, understood that “reviving” the character was for the best. Caio’s mother (Cauã Reymond) is set to appear alive in the next chapters of the series, and the team is looking for an experienced actress to play the role of Bianca Bin. An interpreter has already received a formal invitation to the series.

The character’s return is part of a new moment in the story that promises more twists and turns. This ended up being one of the main complaints raised in the public discussion. The information comes from the Play column of the O Globo newspaper.

Another point raised is that viewers would also like to see Caio and Aline (Barbara Reis) together. As found TV newsThe Death of Daniel (Johnny Massaro) aired ahead of schedule precisely to fuel this turnaround. Jonatas (Paulo Lessa) should also gain more importance in the argument about the teacher’s heart.

The station also wanted to find out which characters appealed to public tastes. The most frequently mentioned are Antônio (Tony Ramos), Irene (Gloria Pires), Anely (Tatá Werneck) and Luigi (Rainer Cadete). The latter two began to form a couple in the final chapters of the storyline, taking advantage of the chemistry between the two actors.

Terra e Paixão was written by Walcyr Carrasco and takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The soap opera will air until early 2024 and despite the similarities between the storylines will be replaced by the remake of Renascer.

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