Agathis lanceolata definition and explanations Techno Sciencenet

Agathis lanceolata – definition and explanations –


Agathis lanceolata
    Agathis lanceolata
Classic classification
Division (Division is a law of composition relating two numbers to the product of the first by…)Pinophyta
Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.) the binomial name or binomial comes from…)
Agathis lanceolata
(Lindl. ex Sebert & Pancher) Warb., 1900
Phylogenetic classification (Phylogenetic classification is a classification system of living things…)
IUCN Conservation Status:

CD : Preservative dependent
(name from before 2001)

Diagram showing the risk of extinction according to the IUCN classification.

L’Agathis lanceolataOr Forest Kaori Or Southern Kaoriis a species (in life sciences, the kind (from Latin “species”, “type”) of conifers of the family Araucariaceae. It is found only in New Caledonia (New Caledonia is an archipelago of Oceania in the Pacific Ocean. ..) It is through threatened with the destruction of its habitat.


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foliage and cones

Giant of dense, moist, and evergreen rainforest with low and average (The average is a statistical measure that characterizes the elements of a set of…) altitude (Altitude is the vertical height of a place or object relative to a plane . ..) from the south of Grande Terre (Earth is the third planet of the solar system in order of distance…) reaches a height of 40 m (The height has several meanings depending on the area addressed.) for a diameter (At a circle or a sphere, the diameter is a line segment passing through the center…) between 60 and 150 cm. Its largest specimen, the park’s “giant kaori” (A park is an enclosed natural area[1] formed of forests or meadows in which…) River (In hydrography, a river is a watercourse that flows under the action of…) Blue (Blue (from the Old High German “blao” = radiant) is one of the three colors …), over 1000 years old, with a diameter of 2.70 m at the foothills.

The trunk is long, clear, regular and almost cylindrical, with a slight decrease towards the top. It measures between 10 and 20 m, but can also reach 25 m.

Bark (bark is the outer covering of the trunks, branches and roots of trees and more…), dark gray to reddish brown in colour, is smooth at first, then light gray and flakes off in thin sheets before becoming rough and forming small, irregular scales detaches, with many small color lenses (color is the subjective perception of one or more wave frequencies by the eye…) Brown. A yellowish resin is formed.

The branches are regularly arranged on the trunk (A trunk can be:) in a plagiotropic horizontal position. They can grow up to 15 m long and have a particularly dense branching at the end.


  • Dammara lanceolata Lindl. ex Pancher & Sebert


Kaori has been used primarily as lumber, carpentry, boats, carpentry and joinery since the 19th century. Nowadays it is used for revegetation of slightly degraded areas (however, in the rehabilitation of mining areas, its participation is marginal – the species Acacia spirorbis or Casuarina collina are much better suited).

There has been a plantation program for over 35 years (A plantation is a monoculture farm with high quality crops…). The mastery (The mastery is a degree or university diploma equivalent to the degree or title of …) is obtained and the beginning of a sector (A sector is a set of formalities, works to be completed before arrival. . .) The economy consists initially of nurseries, all of which are Melanesian. The program is too new to be exploited and sawn up (the species needs at least 50-60 years of growth to be exploited). In addition, despite the overall success (In the theory of sets, a set intuitively denotes a collection…) in the southern half of New Caledonia, the damage due to the spread of the Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis) reduced the possible planting area currently in the extreme south of Grande Terre, where deer seldom stay, and on the island (An island is a piece of land surrounded by water, be it a stream, a…) of pine trees.