Al Bano Carrisi, sensational: "When Ylenia disappeared, Silvio Berlusconi…"

back in the spotlight, Al Bano Carrisiwho recently spoke of his desire to return to the Sanremo Festival 2024 – a kind of appeal to amadeus – but alone, briefly without Romina Power.

And now the lion of Cellino San Marco speaks again in a long interview with Eva 3000 in which he talks about the disappearance of his daughter. Ylenia Carrisi – the tragedy that marked both his life and that of Romina – and of Silvio Berlusconithe four-time prime minister and founder of Forza Italia, who passed away on June 12.

Also read: Al Bano, “Who do I want in Sanremo”: an earthquake in Mediaset

We follow the dramatic days of Ylenia’s disappearance, in 1994Al Bano refers precisely to Berlusconi, stating: “He was a very generous man that I could count on,” he began. “I will never forget than after Ylenia’s disappearance He called me and asked if I needed his private jet Details the singer never revealed. “Berlusconi was very close to me at the time,” concludes Al Bano Carrisi.

Also read: Al Bano Carrisi annihilates Romina Power: “How I shall die”, torpedoed against his ex-wife