Alain Delon wants to die and has thought about euthanasia

Alain Delon wants to die and has thought about euthanasia: “I am sick, my life is over”

Alain Delon has reached the end of his life. And he wants to die. This emerges from the testimonies collected following the counterclaims of his children Anthony, Anouchka and Alain Fabien, as well as his assistant and partner Hiromi Rollin. A doctor examined the 88-year-old actor in Douchy, and the report states that Delon said: “I want to die, my life is over.” Delon suffers from lymphoma. The children reported the assistant and his partner for mistreating and bypassing an incompetent person. Corriere della Sera reports that the doctor wrote in his statement that with the actor “the dialogue is difficult and the answers are not very expressive, sometimes the patient nods his head or raises the thumb of his right hand in agreement.” And he notes “a state of physical and mental exhaustion.”

Physical and mental exhaustion

The dossier also contains the answers to the interrogations in the preliminary investigation. Regarding the complaint filed by his children against Hiromi Rollin, Delon says: “Yes, I know they did it and I am happy and proud of it.” I want you to stop harassing me. But he adds: “We met 30 years ago, we had ups and downs. At the beginning she was my assistant, then we became closer, there was a kind of love between us.” But then, he says, he became “tired” of her. He also speaks of violence “verbally, if we let ourselves go, it ends badly.” And physically? “Also in response to my punches, physical ones.” When he made me nervous,” he says, miming a slap in the face. Finally, Delon discussed the euthanasia hypothesis. But the children protested. And now they are debating whether to continue chemotherapy for lymphoma or resort to palliative care to support their father until his death.

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