ALBA TCP supports Nicaraguas decision to leave the OAS Radio.webp

ALBA TCP supports Nicaragua’s decision to leave the OAS Radio Florida, News and Actualities of Florida

Caracas, April 25 – The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) today supported Nicaragua’s decision to ratify its withdrawal from the Organization of American States (OAS).

Through a statement, the ALBA-TCP Executive Secretariat supported the determination of the Nicaraguan authorities to expel the OAS and no longer be part of the mechanisms belonging to the regional organization.

The integration bloc reiterated its condemnation of the ongoing attacks and destabilization attempts by the United States and the OAS against the legitimate government of Nicaragua through the use of coercive measures and other actions aimed at interfering in the internal affairs of the Central American country.

The Alliance also reiterated its support for President Daniel Ortega, Vice President Rosario Murillo and the Nicaraguan people in their decision to defend sovereignty, peace and the remarkable advances in social, economic and security affairs and national unity.

Nicaragua this Sunday described the Organization of American States as an instrument of colonial administration and confirmed its unalterable decision to leave the organization.

Speaking on a national radio and television channel, Foreign Minister Denis Moncada stressed that the OAS never represented the sovereign union of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, but on the contrary represented an instrument of domination at the service of the United States.

The head of Nicaraguan diplomacy alluded to the OAS as the mechanism to violate rights and independence, “by sponsoring and promoting interventions and invasions, legitimizing coups in various formats and modalities,” he denounced.

Moncada reported that as of that date, the Central American nation ceased to be part of any “deception mechanisms” of the regional entity and announced the decision to revoke the credentials of its permanent representatives in the aforementioned organization.

We will not be present in any of the instances of this diabolical instrument of the misnamed OAS, plagued by insults, insults, humiliations, disasters and aggression that at no time or under any circumstances reflect national values ​​and interests of honor, glory and victories , assured the owner.
