Gasoline prices an analysis requested by the Energy Agency

Alcoa Aluminum Smelter: Quebec allocates $2 million to modernize aluminum industry

Quebec has released an amount of almost $2 million to support the modernization of the facilities of the Alcoa aluminum smelter in Deschambault-Grondines in the Capitale-Nationale region.

This support aims to implement a fully robotic and automated system for the company’s aluminum furnaces, developed in collaboration with Dynamic Concept and EPIQ Machinery.

“The aluminum sector is one of the most strategically important to Quebec’s economy and our government is fully committed to ensuring its decarbonization,” said Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy and Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development.

In an initial operational phase, the first tests of this technology were designed and carried out, which supports the stirring and scraping of the metal as well as the cleaning of the inside of the casting furnaces.

Full implementation and operation of the system is planned for the end of 2024.

“This innovation will support the competitiveness of Quebec’s primary aluminum sector and its associated ecosystem, while strengthening the health and safety of our workers, which remains our priority,” emphasized Louis Langlois, President of Alcoa Canada and Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Alcoa Corporation .

Remember that Alcoa is one of the largest producers of primary aluminum and has three factories in Quebec.

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